#1 – Clarification

Knitting is a strange and intriguing pastime that, it seems to me, centres around clarity.

Clarity of the mind (knitting is an amazingly peaceful and restorative pastime). Clarity of one’s intentions (do I wish to finish this project with a hat or a scarf?). The clarity gained from following a recipe (pattern to you uninitiated knitting fiends), either your own or someone else’s, from A to Z without skipping a stitch. Clarity of one’s thoughts, in other words.

The act of knitting also clarifies one’s creativity. Not only what you want to end up with, but how did you come to this? How will you get there? What will your reaction be, or that of the intended recipient, to your carefully chosen stitches? Where will this creative journey take you?

The world of the obsessive knitter is rich with exciting possibilities. BDW


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