#5 – Red, White and Crisp

Red and white and crisp

Red and white and crisp

I seem to be recalling a lot of childhood music that my family used to sing when I was little. The tunes flood in from nowhere. Not sure why, but it is wonderful to hum the songs that surrounded my childhood.

I also seem to want to surround myself with the colours that I loved as a child. Red has always been my colour. Fire engine red, poppy red, orange-red, blood-red (that deep blue to the base). When I found wool that was flecked with a good, deep red contrasted with white, I knew I had found the perfect material for something. And then it came to me – winter (or Christmas, to us Northern hemisphere dwellers) mittens. Those big paddles that mittens make of your hands are another fond childhood memory. Perfect for hard, crisp snowballs. Ready, aim….

It was an easy pattern that I mostly made up myself. Big needles, big wool meant the mittens took no more than two evenings.  BDW


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