#11 To cowl, or not to cowl

Tse B Cowl

Cowls are great things. What are they: they are neck brace, toasty warming device, a hoodie without the Asbo-attitude.

I have one in double-knit ribbed cashmere by Tse, a Hong Kong company who regularly show in New York and who do wonders with the delicate fibre we all love. Obsessive knitter likes my cowl. Alot. But she knits her own beautiful cowls, and I would not want her attentions divided between mine and hers, so I will never give her mine.

All in the cause of fostering good knitting relations.


#10 Detail, Devil in

Let’s talk detail. Like the 10 layers of silk, hand-frayed at the edge, that makes up the white jacket recently shown at the Alexander McQueen show in Paris. The jacket tails move like a willo-the-wisp.

Anything Yamamoto. Look at the silhouette of his clothes.

Or a pair of Christian Peau shoes, the soles made up of hand-cut layers of leather; gently, gently building a cushion of amazing spring and durability, and beauty.

And the delicate needling obsessive knitter went through to knit the collar edging of my beautiful black t-shirt. Made up of eight rows, obsessive knitter dropped a needle size every second row so the neck lies perfectly flat against the collar bone.

Detail is key. It really is important. Let’s face it, it makes the difference between hum-drum and damn near excellent.


#9 The challenge….

O mother knitter…. you have been set a challenge by a friend who lives, breathes, and sleeps Yohji Yamamoto black. The friend you have made a pair of mittens for (see white mittens below for an idea of shape and pattern), which she loves dearly.

She recently saw in the Yamamoto store a beautiful long neck shawl with a built-in hoodie. In that sort of Yamamoto utilitarian-sized knit. Black, of course. She has tasked you with the job of creating it in all its glory.

Get clickity-clicking.


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