There’s a baby due in the extended family. Gender unknown, size and shape unknown. So rather than knit something specific, I have designed and knitted a catch all, a ‘wrap-me-up’ baby blanket.
Summer weather dictates that it should not be too hot, yet must be suitable to be used for possible subsequent offspring.

To consider:
use… for every day
size… big enough to wrap a wriggly package
shape… square
pattern… simple checkerboard
colour… not white as baby skin tones are varied. I like greys, chocolate and creams
ply… 4ply in this case, cotton, bamboo, merino or cashmere.

Decision made:Cotton or bamboo 4ply. Opt for soft Cleckheaton 4ply natural cotton because it has a lovely soft ‘feel’, will be gentle on baby’s skin and easy to care for in case of spillages from either end. Such considerations ensure that the garment will be used rather than kept for best.


1 Comment »

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    Comment by administrative assistant — December 22, 2010 @ 9:35 pm

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