Let Go

Since the devastating aftershock in February that left close to 200 dead and the infrastructure of the city in chaos, I have had little interest in doing anything apart from the basic everyday tasks that keep a body alive.

One cannot reurn to a life that was because what was there is no more, nor move towards a future because the rules have all changed.

Sideways, up and down have also disappeared. We live in a vacuum, waiting for decisions to be made regarding the land we live on, the homes we live in and our city to be. We wait….. totally lacking any control of our physical worlds…. it is enough to wear away the soul, to lose the will to carry hope in our hearts. Apart from our attitude to the situation, to this mystery life we now lead, it is the small things that save a soul from falling into states such as depression.

The rich, the poor, the big, the small – we are all in the same boat.

Letting go of any sense that I can control my life can be quite liberating.


1 Comment »

  1. life in limbo is what I call it- and the words of Bill Murray(Meatballs)ring so true … IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER

    Comment by paula — March 15, 2012 @ 10:09 pm

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