Elderberry Bounty

The Elderberry Trees have  grown amongst the rubble of more than 12000 earthquakes we have experienced over the past two years.  Nature always bats last and  her bounty is all around.

The Elderflowers are blooming and I have captured their perfumed sunshine in a bottle.  Elderflower Syrup is such a delicious treat and full of healthgiving properties.   I have left many flowerheads on the tree for the autumn harvest of ruby rich berries when we will make Elderberry Jelly.


Quake update

Men with heavy machinery dig in the street.  They have been there for months and will be there for many more.  The house rocks and rolls to the beat of their digging and there is nothing we can do but rock and roll with them.  One day, years from now, a new city will emerge.


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