#10 Detail, Devil in

Let’s talk detail. Like the 10 layers of silk, hand-frayed at the edge, that makes up the white jacket recently shown at the Alexander McQueen show in Paris. The jacket tails move like a willo-the-wisp.

Anything Yamamoto. Look at the silhouette of his clothes.

Or a pair of Christian Peau shoes, the soles made up of hand-cut layers of leather; gently, gently building a cushion of amazing spring and durability, and beauty.

And the delicate needling obsessive knitter went through to knit the collar edging of my beautiful black t-shirt. Made up of eight rows, obsessive knitter dropped a needle size every second row so the neck lies perfectly flat against the collar bone.

Detail is key. It really is important. Let’s face it, it makes the difference between hum-drum and damn near excellent.


1 Comment »

  1. how thoroughly yummy ….. what a precious piece to have in the wardrobe

    Comment by suzy marshall — November 16, 2010 @ 12:37 pm

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